Annual Membership Meeting
Do you share a passion for the amazing history of Asbury Park, a calling to preserve its unique attributes, and a desire to help tell our city’s story to people of all ages and backgrounds? Do you have the experience and skills to make that happen, through activities like fundraising, event coordination, social media and marketing? The Asbury Park Historical Society hears your voice — and during our Annual Membership Meeting, our members will have the opportunity to once again take an active role in our organization.
Following a long interval of virtual meetings and closed conferences, the APHS is pleased to open our doors to the public once more, at our first in-person meeting of 2022. Scheduled for 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at the Asbury Park Public Library, First and Grand Avenues, the evening is a “Getting to Know You and Us” event that will allow both long-standing members and new sign-ups to meet each of our committee chairs, and present your thoughts on putting ideas and plans into action.
The program will also feature a special “Read All About It” Book Tour presentation, in which our trustees and supporters will introduce some of the numerous recently published books on topics related to Asbury Park and some of its most famous personalities. Ranging from acclaimed studies of hypercurrent social trends, to memoirs and bios of celebrated figures in the arts, these books have continued to provoke discussion, top year’s-best lists, and attract the attentions of major authors, leading publishing houses, and media observers. We’ll be joined by members of the Asbury Book Cooperative and other guests for the occasion, with copies of many of the featured books available for sale. It’s an acknowledgment of the continued fascination that Asbury Park’s history holds for readers all across America, as well as a first step toward the establishment of an Asbury Park Historical Book Club.
A membership table at the event will offer attendees a chance to become a new member, or renew a previously existing membership. Complimentary refreshments will be available, and current members in attendance will be asked to cast their votes for the three present trustees who are up for re-election this year. The Historical Society currently has a vacancy on the board following the recent passing of longtime officer Mary Damato, and an announcement regarding the process of filling that vacancy will be made at a future date.
Come out to the Asbury Park Public Library on April 21 — we genuinely look forward to seeing you there, and please feel free to bring along a friend!
Kay Harris
Asbury Park Historical Society, President